Thursday 31 March 2011

Behind the scenes for Joanna

A couple weeks ago I shot with new artist Joanna Briggs, who has just signed to LoveRock Records. The shoot was to get a main image for the album cover, which is going to be designed by artist Joe Buck. But we also squeezed in a load of promo images, which will be out soon.

The studio became a gypsy/Cath Kidston style house for Joanna to live in (which I want to recreate for myself now!) with loads of prints and floaty fabrics.. Also managed to use my pink dresser in the shots! Can't wait to retouch these! (plus my orange hair looks awesome in the sunshine :D)

Work goes on at the studio while we shoot.. the curtains were up just as we finished :D

Prepping for the shoot..

Joanna on set..

Best fabric ever!

 I got the dresser in a load of shots!!

Thursday 17 March 2011

Behind the scenes with Kerrie

Tuesday was the first of a load of tests I'm doing in the next few weeks. I'm so happy with the photos, I can't wait to show them!

And I've carried on using a lot of colour (which I keep doing this year!).. which was pretty easy with my lovely new Mandarin backdrop from Creativity Backgrounds.

We had a full team for this one.. Kerrie from Adage was the model, Rachael Davies did the make up, Martin Bland the hair and Sarah Nickolds styled (btw a big well done to Sarah, as this was her first full on shoot and she did amazingly well!).

Here are the behind the scenes images and the final shots will come soon! (sorry for the awful quality phone images.....)

Unfinished side of the studio.. the kitchenette should be finished soon though!


Martin defies gravity..

Rachael works her magic..

My lovely bright backdrop..

Look no.4 with leopard print snuggie and coffee to warm Kerrie up :D

And a little preview from the back of the camera! xx

Saturday 12 March 2011

L'Oréal Colour Trophy

Just a quick post to congratulate Andrea Beers Hair Salon in Kidderminster and Diva Hair Salon in Warwick for getting through to the regional finals of the L'Oréal Colour Trophy 2011. Hope they both do well there!

The shoots for both the salons were great and here are the final images:

Andrea Beers:

Thursday 10 March 2011


I was so so excited when Celine (who I shot last year in Cape Town) got in touch to say she was coming to the UK for a couple days. Her trip was cut short by work in the end, but we still managed to squeeze in half a day of shooting at the studio.

She was unsure about all the images at the beginning, but I then realised that she was underconfident about her newly shaved head! So I sat on the pictures for a little while before retouching to let her grow accustomed to it. She is now keeping her hair even shorter and lighter!

And here they are, a couple fashion shots, a couple beauty ones:

Model: Celine @ Faith (Cape Town)
MUA: Becky Hunting
@ park studios
© garazi photography 2010