Monday 12 March 2012

Adage New Faces BTS

I was after a challenge and wanted to meet some new people, so I got Tracie from Adage Models in Birmingham to send me models and a full team for a little test.

I ended up shooting new faces Elliott and Isidora (who were at their first and second shoot respectively) with make-up artist Danni and stylist Demi. It was a lovely day all in all and I'm working on the images as I write (well, not at the same time, but nearly!).

I have a few behind the scenes images here, where I was testing Isidora's face to see what worked best for her as well as having a little reminder of the day. Elliott was due a bit later, so I have no images of him at this point.

Talking about having a reminder of the day, I've just been reading through old journals and I do miss having one (so this blog is like a make-shift journal for me, reminding me of what happened on such and such a day, even if it's just on shoot days!). Maybe I should have another little journal blog for myself, but I do love the idea of having it on paper instead, with loads of different mementoes stuck on for good measure!

Anyway, here are the images:

Styling: Demi
Make-up/Hair: Danni
Models: Elliott and Isidora @ Adage
@ Park Studios, Birmingham
© garazi photography 2012

Here's Isidora:

And she's having her make-up done by Danni (that's concentration on her face!): 

Some of the clothes..

More clothes!!

More make-up..

Demi on her phone:

And finishing up!

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